The Wedding Of
Saiful & Mila

Tie The Knot
Bride & Groom

Moh Saiful Amin
Putra Pertama dari
Bapak Warkup
Ibu Srijanah (Almh)

Azizati Jamilah
Putri Pertama dari
Bapak Darmulin
Ibu Samsiyatin

Kamis, 06 Juli 2023

08.00 Wib
Dirumah Mempelai Wanita
RT 03 / RW 02 Tenggulun Solokuro Lamongan

Kamis, 06 Juli 2023

10.00 Wib
Dirumah Mempelai Wanita
RT 03 / RW 02 Tenggulun Solokuro Lamongan
Countdown Timer
Day and night passed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never felt before. We look forward to the presence of family and friends, to witness our vows on this happy day.
Our Love Story
“The coming of love is fate, it comes unexpectedly”

16 Oktober 2022
- Bertemu tanpa sengaja dipernikahan sepupunya mas dan saya mewakili om karena masih saudara jauh
17- 22 Oktober 2022
- Mulai komunikasi dan meminta izin ortu sebelum ngedate pertama kalinya
23 Oktober 2022
- Ngedate pertama kalinya dan dikasih gelang kayu merupakan tanda keseriusannya
Desember 2022
- Pertemuan kedua orang tua membahas ke jenjang pernikahan
6 Juli 2023
- Momen spesial kami akan di mulai, momen kebahagiaan kami bersama untuk membangun keluarga kecil kami. Semoga Allah SWT bemberikan keberkahan untuk pernikahan kami
Help us prepare a warm banquet for all of you by sending confirmation of attendance via the form below
Wedding Gift
For Family and Friends
who want to send a gift,
please send it via:
In order to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus, we are implementing health protocols at our wedding. We hope that you will comply with health protocols for mutual convenience

Social Distance
Keeping Distance
when attending an event

Not shaking hands
Avoid physical contact
without shaking hands

Wear Mask
Must use
masks/face shields

Wash Hand
Wash hands before
enter the reception
Best Wishes
The clock was ticking so fast, between thrilling moments that we had never felt before. We look forward to welcoming family and friends to witness our blessing vows on a happy day.
Saiful & Mila

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Sebelumnya, kami ucapkan
terimakasih atas perhatian dan bentuk tanda cinta Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk kami
Silahkan kirim kado ke alamat berikut :
Azizati Jamilah
RT 03 /RW 02 Tenggulun Solokuro Lamongan