Jordan & Tania
Gereja HKBP Sudirman Jakarta

Jordan Laditra Siahaan, SE
Anak ke 3 dari
Bapak St. Sahala T Siahaan dan
Ibu Bertha D. br Silitonga
Tania Margareth Sihombing, SH
Putri Pertama dari Bapak Ir.Mallatang A. Sihombing, MBA dan Ibu Nurrita T. br Siahaan, SE

“With the blessing of their families, their relationship blossomed even more, and they grew even closer”
Maka dengan seijin Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
dan segenap kerendahan hati kami,
perkenankanlah kami mengundang
Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk dapat hadir
dan berbagi kebahagiaan dalam acara
pernikahan kami:
Pukul 08.30 WIB
Lokasi acara bertempat di Gereja HKBP Sudirman Jakarta
Jl. Setiabudi Raya No.3, Kuningan, Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan,
Resepsi & Adat
Akan dilaksanakan Sabtu, 30 November 2024.
Tamu Nasional
Pukul 11.00- 15.00
Tamu Adat
11.00 – Selesai
Lokasi acara bertempat di Gedung Karsa Satu Multi-Function Hall, Jl. Raya Jatikramat No.1, Jatikramat,
Kec. Jatiasih, Bekasi

Wedding Gift
yang ingin mengirimkan hadiah,
silahkan mengirimkannya melalui :

Nomor Rekening BCA
Atas Nama
Jordan Laditra Siahaan

Nomor Rekening Mandiri
Atas Nama
Jordan Laditra Siahaan
Menuju Hari Bahagia
Siang dan malam berganti begitu cepat, di antara saat-saat mendebarkan yang belum pernah kami rasakan sebelumnya. Kami nantikan kehadiran para keluarga dan sahabat, untuk menjadi saksi ikrar janji suci kami di hari yang bahagia.
Love Story

November 2020
It all began on an ordinary day at a cozy café in Jakarta. When Their first met, they introduced themselves simply as friends. There was no hint of the incredible love story that would unfold from that moment.
In the weeks that followed, their conversations grew more frequent, and a genuine connection blossomed between them.

December 2020
Then, in early December, Jordan found the courage to confess his feelings to Tania. But their journey together wasn’t without its obstacles. Tania, facing the challenges of cultural traditions, had to gently decline at that time.
However, Tania’s heart knew that their story wasn’t over. She asked Jordan to take the next step: to speak with his parents and seek their blessing, for only then could they continue their path together.
With the blessing of their families, their relationship blossomed even more, and they grew even closer

August 2023
On August 6, 2023 Jordan took the next big step in their journey and proposed to Tania, asking her to be his partner for life.

May 2024
Jordan traveled with his parents to Medan, where he sought Tania’s parents’ permission to marry her—an unforgettable moment of love and respect between two families.
With love, faith, and the support of their families, Jordan and Tania are now ready to begin the next chapter of their story, and they would be honored to have you celebrate this beautiful new beginning with them.
Will You Attend?
Best Wishes
Jordan & Tania
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Jordan Laditra Siahaan
Jordan Laditra Siahaan
Sebelumnya, kami ucapkan
terimakasih atas perhatian dan bentuk tanda cinta Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk kami
Silahkan kirim kado ke alamat berikut :
Jl. Gunung Balong No.52 RT07/RW 04 Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan
The Wedding Of
Jordan & Tania
30 November 2024