The Wedding Of

Fira & Fadhil

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Sang Mempelai

Andi Magfirah Awalia, SP
Bapak Andi Makkulawu Parma, S.Pt
dan Ibu Hj. Asinah Tinro
Fadhil Muhammad, A.Md.Par
Bapak Akib Adama Sume
dan Ibu drg. Fatmiaty
Akad Nikah
Sabtu, 11 Maret 2023
10.00 WITA
Jl. Salotungo No.98, Kelurahan Lalabata Rilau, Kecamatan Lalabata, Kab. Soppeng
Sabtu, 11 Maret 2023
Siang : 10.00 – 17.00 WITA
Malam : 19.00 WITA – Selesai
Jl. Salotungo No.98, Kelurahan Lalabata Rilau, Kecamatan Lalabata, Kab. Soppeng
Syukuran Pernikahan
Sabtu, 18 Maret 2023
11.00 WIB – Selesai
Jl. Persahabatan No.99 PKP RT. 010/008 Kelapa Dua Wetan Ciracas, Jakarta Timur
Counting To The Big Days
Day and night passed so quickly, between thrilling moments that we had never experienced before. We look forward to the presence of family and friends, to be witnesses of our sacred vows on a happy day.
In Light Of COVID-19, Governments Regulations will be stricly adhered to.
We seek your cooperation and to practice social responsibility

Wash Hand

Use Disinfection

Social Distancing

Wear Mask
Best Wishes

Thank You
Stay safe at home now, party with us later!
~ One thing that cannot change, though, is the love that connects us all through time and space ~
Fira & Fadhil