Deta 1st Party
-Minggu, 25 Juni 2023-

“Happy birthday to the little star in the family who shines the most. Since you were born, our family has been filled with love and happiness. We will always be faithful to accompany your every development.
Happy birthday my son, enjoy the happiness today!”

Dewa Gede Angga Maharastara
Bapak Dewa Gede Darma Yuda
dan Ibu Desak Nyoman Oxsi Selina
“We’re very lucky to have a child like you. You grew up to be a loving child and always obeys every command of your parents. Mama and Papa thank you for your presence all this time and your attitude that always amazes us.”

Deta 1st Birthday
Minggu, 25 Juni 2023
10.00 – Selesai
Puri Tengah Tampaksiring, Br. Tengah, Tampaksiring, Gianyar

Towards Happy Day
Time is changing so fast, in our prayerful waiting, we hope for the presence of all our family, friends and beloved relatives, to be present at our Son’s Birthday event.
Help us prepare a warm dinner for all of you by sending a confirmation of attendance via the following form

Keep the distance

No shaking hands

Using Mask

Washing hands
Best Wishes

1st Birthday Party
Kepada Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i