
Carissa & Arifin
Carissa & Arifin
22.07.2023 | Bogor

Bride & Groom

dr. Carissa Aulia Firliany
Mr. Kolonel Lek Budi Santoso, S.E., M.Han.
Mrs. dr. Nerina Mayakartifa, M.Sc., Sp.PD., FINASIM.

Muhammad Arifin, S.IP.
The Son of
Mr. Ayem Santoso
Mrs. Rumiyati
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
By asking for the Grace of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and with all humility, please allow us to invite you to attend our wedding which will be held on:
22 July 2023
07.30 – 09.00
The Podium Function Spaces
Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Bogor
Lantai 5
Jalan Siliwangi No.123 Kota Bogor
22 July 2023
10.00 – 12.00
The Podium Function Spaces
Lippo Plaza Ekalokasari Bogor
Lantai 5
Jalan Siliwangi No.123 Kota Bogor
Help us prepare for this event by sending confirmation of your attendance via the following form:
Best Wishes
For Family and Friends
who wants to send gifts
please send via:
To reduce the risk of transmitting Covid-19, please consider the following recommendations:
Carissa & Arifin

Marriage Event Health Protocol
Using a Mask
All event participants including families, organizing committee, and invited guests are required to wear masks. For this reason, we ask the invited guests to be able to bring and wear their respective masks before entering the room.
Wash Hand & Hand Sanitizer
All event participants are expected to always wash their hands and always use hand sanitizer
Social Distance
All event participants are always expected to keep their distance
Please transfer the prize via
account or wallet numbers
following digital :
Carissa Aulia
Previously, we would like to thank you for your attention and a token of your love for us
Please send gifts to the following address:
Carissa Aulia
Perumahan Bogor Baru blok f2 no 14 Tegallega, Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor 16127